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How to use reports to gain more insight into your listings

James Callandriello avatar
Written by James Callandriello
Updated over a week ago

You can download a variety of reports between three different categories: Performance, Competitor, and Listings. These reports allow you to gain insight to how your listings are being managed and can help in determining what modifications can be made to your strategies.

Important: These reports are not upload templates and cannot be directly uploaded to your account in order to change your listings. If you would like to make changes to your listings using this data you would need to update the template specs to be consistent with our standard upload templates. 

The following reports can be downloaded from within the Reports page in your account:

Performance Reports

  • Performance By Listing: Identify listings that are: most profitable, about to sell out, high in marketplace fees, along with seeing your current inventory stock value and sales made by SKU over the last 30 days.

  • Sales Price Over Time: View your highest, lowest, and average sales price points your listings have sold for over the last 30 days.

Competitor Reports

  • Competition Landscape: SKU by SKU breakdown of your current price vs competition. See your competitors fulfillment type along with seller ID to see who your top competitors are.

  • Competitor Summary: This is a brief report containing competitor names, the number of listings you are competing with them on, the number of listings you are beating them on and listings you own the Buy Box on. 

  • Competition Below Min Price: This report shows all listings of yours where your price is higher than your competition's. It displays your min price as well as your competition's price.  

  • Listings in Buy Box:  This report shows the listings that display Buy Box ownership in your account at the time of export, along with your current price on the marketplace. 

  • Listings Not in Buy Box: This report shows listings that do not display Buy Box ownership in your account at the time of export. The current Buy Box owner will be displayed in this report.  

  • Listings That Are Being Beaten: This report shows your listings with prices higher than your competition. Your listings can appear on this report if you are at your min price and your competition is priced lower than you, if your listings have no min price and are not being repriced against your competition, or if your strategy settings are configured to price you above your competition. 

Listings Reports

  • Featured Merchant Status: This report shows all listings with Amazon Featured Merchant Status. Y indicates that a listing has Featured Merchant Status, N indicates it does not.

  • Listings with No Cost: View listings with no cost. Once a cost is added, we can determine profit being made by listing, marketplace, strategy, and auto-calculate your min/max pricing by ROI or Profit.

  • Listings With No Minimum Price: This reports shows your listings without a min price. These listings will not be repriced by Informed Repricer. This also includes your competitors current price.  

  • Listings at Maximum Price: This report shows you the listings where your current price is at your set max price, as well as your competitors current price. 

  • Listings at Minimum Price: This report shows you listings where your current price is at your set min price, as well as your competitor's current price. 

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