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Amazon Business Pricing

Learn about our Amazon Business Pricing feature

James Callandriello avatar
Written by James Callandriello
Updated over a week ago

What is Amazon Business?

Amazon Business, launched in 2015, allows sellers to offer discounts to those who have opened a business account on Amazon. These businesses have to ability take advantage of discounts and promotional offers provided by Amazon sellers who are utilizing Amazon Business Pricing.
Millions of people are now buying products from the Amazon Business Marketplace, which means many sellers see an instant increase in sales simply by turning Amazon Business on. Whether you already sell products on Amazon Business or have been considering it, there is never a bad time to start using our Amazon Business Pricing feature

Customers who begin using our Amazon Business Pricing feature often experience the following benefits:

  • Instant revenue boost

  • Keeps your Amazon Business prices competitive (but still profitable!) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Reach an entire new marketplace with just a few clicks

  • Set different strategies for different sectors of your business

How do I enable Amazon Business Pricing in Informed Repricer?

Enabling Amazon Business Pricing is a two step process that must be done in Informed Repricer. Please note that no action is required in Seller Central to enable Business Pricing.

First, you must set your individual marketplaces to Business Ready via the Marketplaces page. You can do this by navigating to the marketplaces page and toggling the Business Ready toggle to On for all marketplaces you would like to begin repricing business.

Second, you must enable and define your Amazon Business Pricing setting on your individual strategies. You can do this by editing an existing strategy or creating a new strategy.
Once enabled on the strategy, you can choose from the following options:

  • Retail Price Matching: Use the same price as your retail offer, providing business buyers flexibility without affecting margins for single units.

  • Flexible Discounts: Set discounts of either a fix amount or percentage based on the retail price of the product.

Once this setting has been enabled and your strategy has been saved, all listings assigned to the strategy will automatically begin having their business prices set by Informed Repricer based on your setting selection on the given strategy.

Important: Business Prices are automatically sent with retail price changes, meaning your business pricing will only begin to send once your listing reprices for the first time after the setting has been enabled.

You can also watch this helpful video to learn how to add Business Pricing to your account.

What kind of analytics are available for my Amazon Business Sales?

Once your account has Amazon Business Pricing turned on, we will begin to display analytics specific to Business Sales throughout Informed.

The Dashboardwill automatically begin displaying the last 30 days of Business Sales along with the Business Sales Volume as shown below:

The Analytics pages will include the ability to filter by Order Types. This allows you to specifically see analytics such as Gross sales and Sales Volume for business sales only. You can access this page via the navigation menu or, for easier access, click View Details for any of the business analytics shown on the Dashboard.

Additionally, similar to the analytics pages, the Orders page will include a new option under the Filter menu which allows you to filter by Order Type. Selecting Business will filter all data shown on the Orders page to only display Business specific sales.

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